Yield App has introduced an increased daily limit for asset swaps.
You can now execute swaps worth up to $100,000 per day within the Yield App platform.
Start swapping your crypto assets from just $5 per transaction.
With this new feature, you no longer need to go through external exchanges to swap the assets available on our platform.
Yield App is delighted to announce the introduction of high-value crypto swaps to the platform. You can now exchange up to $100,000 worth of assets per day in a secure and convenient manner, starting from just $5 per transaction.
The new higher crypto swap limits are a welcome additional feature if you are looking to diversify your portfolio or take advantage of market opportunities without having to withdraw your assets from the Yield App platform to an external crypto exchange.
The $100,000 swap limit takes into account the aggregate dollar value of all the currency swaps you make throughout the day. For example, if you were to swap $30,000 worth of ETH, $30,000 worth of BTC, and $40,000 worth of USDC, you would reach your limit for that day.
How to swap crypto assets on Yield App
To begin using Yield App’s enhanced crypto swap feature on desktop, you simply need to:
Log into your Yield App account and head to the “Swap” tab in the left-hand menu.
Choose the asset you want to swap from and to, and enter the amount you want to swap.
Once you have entered the details, click “Preview swap”. You will see a quote for the amount you will receive in the asset into which you are swapping.
If you’re happy with this quote, click “Swap” to finish the process. You will see a summary screen with the details of your swap.
Don’t forget, your assets need to be available in your wallet in order to swap them, rather than deployed into one of our Earn portfolios. However, even if your wallet balances are zero, you can still simulate a swap to gauge rates and see how much you would receive in the asset into which you are swapping.
While there is a dynamic spread on all swaps, we charge no additional transaction fees for swapping assets on the Yield App platform. Remember to deploy your swapped assets into one of our Earn portfolios to ensure your crypto starts working hard for you as soon as the swap is complete.
READ: Earn more passive income on your crypto assets with our new Earn+ product
Please note that YLD swaps will be limited to $5,000 per day, with a $5 minimum swap. The $100,000 swap limit is only applicable to other assets available on the platform.
The minimum swap amount between BTC and ETH, and between different stablecoins, is also $5. However, swaps from BTC/ETH to stablecoins have a minimum amount of $50.
Will the new swap limits be available on mobile?
Our brand new crypto swap limits will be available on both mobile and desktop. The conversion process on the mobile app is just as simple as it is on desktop, and takes a few seconds.
To swap assets on our mobile app:
Click on the blue arrow at the bottom of the screen and select “Swap”.
Select the asset you wish to swap from and to, and enter the amount.
Click “Get quote” and you will see the amount you will receive quoted in the asset into which you are swapping.
If you’re happy with this click “Swap”. You will see a summary screen with the details of the swap. Confirm your action by clicking “Swap” once more.
Building a comprehensive digital wealth platform
This new feature provides you with the convenience and security of transacting on a trusted digital asset platform combined with the ability to customize your portfolio in an efficient and seamless manner.
Our enhanced internal capabilities reduce the need for our customers to interact with external exchanges or Web3 applications, and take away the complexity and risk involved in such transactions.
READ: Yield App adds Address book feature for extra security
This latest upgrade marks an important step on our journey and was one of the most commonly requested features by our community. The rest of 2023 will see the addition of new exciting features and products as we grow our comprehensive offering. We look forward to serving all your crypto needs in one place.
Do you want to earn the market’s leading interest rates on your digital assets? Sign up for a Yield App account today!
DISCLAIMER: The content of this article does not constitute financial advice and is for informational purposes only. The price of digital assets can go down as well as up, and you may lose all of your capital. Investors should consult a professional advisor before making any investment decisions.